6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
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6" Fab For Sale from Moov - Click Here to Learn More
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SUSS MA8 mask alignment lithography machine is a lithography application solution developed for the R&D and trial production of 200mm IC back-end process. MA8 can fully meet the powerful functions and flexibility required by the laboratory. The compatibility of the exposure mode fully allows the process developed on the MA8 to be transplanted to the MA200 production mask alignment lithography machine of SUSS , and be applied in actual production. MA8 can meet the needs of back-end processes, such as passivation and thin film bumping technology. Similarly, thick resist lithography and backside alignment capabilities make MA8 also have great application prospects in microsystem technology. In addition, MA8 is also considered as an ideal tool for communication and optoelectronic applications. After adopting the low-diffraction exposure system, in addition to high-resolution standard lithography applications, the MA8 mask alignment lithography machine can also complete the following special technologies: Bond alignment near-field holographic lithography , UV processing UV curing nanoimprinting, etc.






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